Essay one: me and technology

October 8, 2009 sevenfoldangel

Me and Technology


            Technology: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.

            The above is an official definition of the word technology taken from the dictionary. Technology definitely has an interrelation in my life in a big way, and I absolutely believe it interrelates with our society, and environment.  But how much does it really affect my life, how much does it interrelate with my life? Well why don’t I just review through all I have talked about in my previous blogs and see step by step how much I am affected, and also if the affect is either good or bad, or has no positive or negative correlation to it.

            New media, as I previously personally defined it, is all the technology we have today to entertain and educate us. New media includes computer games, computer animated movies, iPods, cell phones, computers, internet and even digital photography.  Now I don’t necessarily use all these types of new media on a daily basis but I have used them at one time or another, and have learned to use them to my advantage when I do need to use them. New media does affect me daily though one way or another. One form of it that I use daily is my cell phone; it goes everywhere I do and if I am without it I really don’t feel as safe as I would if I did have it on me. It is not only a form of media and entertainment but at times a lifeline, dramatic as it may sound. Another way new media affects my life is I can more easily access forms of entertainment that in past generations would be impossible. For example instead of watching television, or going to the movies I can watch movies and my favorite TV. shows online. By the click of the mouse I’m watching whatever I want whenever I want, no more waiting for the show to come on TV. once a week, or paying 10.25 for one movie ticket at our over priced local theatres.

All this new media, by my examples, would make you think it all aided me or were all good wholesome forms of technology, but sadly they aren’t all good. The new media we have access to gives new freedoms and opportunities to also entertain in vile ways. New media at times will provide easy access to pornography sites and extremely violent movies. These, I feel, are not the proper ways to use the new media and technology we have. Sadly it is taken advantage of and used in non constructive ways, but we cannot do much about it without violating rights.  In one of my blogs I have expressed my views on the internet as a new media and what it is used for and what I think it should be used for and I have mentioned I believe it should be used for constructive purposes, wholesome entertainment, and research. Now I don’t necessarily believe though that the internet to be a form of new media is neither good nor bad but a tool that is used for either or.  It is solely based on the person using it and how they use it.

Despite the internet being capable as a tool for bad media I still use it, just carefully.  The internet is a technology I use everyday, and would be quite lost without.  I use it to do homework, to socialize, for entertainment and to research and stay updated on world news. Every day, a few times a day I go online and check to see if any of my teachers have posted last minute announcements, or posted any homework for class.  After checking my blackboard assignments I usually check my MySpace and Face Book to see how my friends are and what they have been up to. Next I typically go to my Yahoo homepage to see the latest in news reports around the globe.  It’s a daily routine I rely on to keep me informed, prepared and social.

Another way technology works in my life, in both a good and bad way I must say, is my ATM/bank card. In one way it is very beneficial by making accessing my bank accounts much more convenient and simple. Instead of having to go all the way to my bank I can get funds straight from the ATM and not waste gas, or I can easily pay for my goods with the card. I no longer have the need to carry large amounts of cash around therefore making me feel safer. Now while having my card is all good and dandy it also has it’s down sides. If I am not careful in watching my spending I can overdraft very easily, and by doing this I am charged a fee by my bank. I have experienced this a few times and it has shown me that technology has its perks but those perks can sometimes be risky if you aren’t careful. I learned that the hard way.

Another technology that affects me that I can add to the list is my laptop. Now I don’t want this to be confused with my mentioning of the internet earlier because I am talking about my laptop as a separate tool. Even without the internet access on my laptop it is one piece of technology that I use daily. I use it to write essays on, save precious pictures, listen to music, and keep class notes organized. It plays a very important role in my notes keeping because I am a much disorganized note keeper and when it comes time to study time I am typically found lost in a pile of scribbled notes. Since I have had my laptop, that has changed, and studying isn’t such a chore. Aside from school uses, my laptop also entertains me when I am bored at home. Ever since my fiancé taught me how to play spider solitaire, I have been addicted. I can easily sit and play for two hours and not get bored.

After reviewing all these types of new media and technology’s I feel there is really only one that really stands out to me though. One in particular that I have mentioned that affects my life in a greater way than all the others. That one technology is my cell phone.

My cell phone to me, as I mentioned earlier is not only a form of communication but at times a life line. I make phone calls on a daily basis, mostly to family and close friends, but I also text a lot of the time too. I use the calling capability on my phone to keep in close contact with my immediate family for the most part, or I call my fiancé on my lunch breaks at school to see how his day is going. Mostly I use the texting capability to keep in contact with my more distant relatives or friends I don’t see as often, I also use it to get quick answers or for short conversations between family. One capability that most defiantly is one of my favorites is the picture text messaging. This is really important to me because I am very close with my cousin’s three year old daughter and she just recently moved to Winton. By being able to picture message I am still able to see her often through pictures and video messages and let her know I am still around even though she lives far away. I consider things like this very important because I am very big on family and staying close knit despite being far away in distance.

Now stepping aside from the communication part of my cell phone I also use my phone for a variety of other reason. For instance I have no need to invest in an alarm clock because my cell phone comes with one installed on it, and it has not one but  three separate alarms on it I can have set all at the same time if I wanted. For me personally I use each alarm for a different day of the week according to my work schedule and two different school schedules. This is so helpful for me.

As you can see I use a lot of different types of technology I my life, whether it is something I use everyday or every once in a while, they all help make my life a little bit easier. They all range from important to not so very necessary but I try hard not to take advantage of any of them.

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4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. sevenfoldangel  |  October 8, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    in this narrative i aimed for an imformational view rather than humor or any other view.
    so what i would like to know is
    1) did i get my point across about how techinology is important to me and how it affets my life?
    2) was my essay at all entertaining, did i put you to sleep?
    3) did i give enough information to satisfy your questions?
    4) was i too scatter brained and jumped around?

  • 2. ebreuss  |  October 8, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    I think you did an excellent job on this essay. It gave alot of information without the bordom factor. I thought the beginning was strong and drew me in to read more about technology.
    I liked the fact that you refered to your other blogs in this particular post. Overall great job.

    • 3. ebreuss  |  October 8, 2009 at 10:07 pm

      To answer your questions from above I do believe you got your point across , but do you use other sources of technology? Other than your computer and cell phone?

      • 4. sevenfoldangel  |  October 8, 2009 at 10:30 pm

        thank you very much for your adivce and compliments.
        you actually hit my problem of talking about different technology right on the nose. that was one thing i tired to brainstorm about, even with the help of family. i just couldnt seem to think outside the box. in my revision i am definetly going to try to think more and plan on mentioning new forms of technology. thank you agin

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